What is Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation?
Thyroid nodule microwave ablation is a procedure where microwave energy is applied in a controlled manner to the thyroid nodule with the help of a fine needle, heating and reducing the nodule. With microwave ablation, electromagnetic fields are created around the percutaneous antenna, causing water molecules within the tissue to rotate around their axis 3-4 billion times per second, generating heat. As a result, the thyroid nodule is reduced and treated.
Thyroid nodule microwave ablation treatment can be performed in a short time without incision marks and without removing the thyroid gland. For this, you can contact Interventional Radiology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Çekiç Clinic serving in Antalya Muratpaşa, as well as in cities like İstanbul and Ankara, and get in touch via contact.

Microwave ablation has been used for liver, lung, and kidney tumors for a long time. It has been used for thyroid gland diseases for over a decade.
How is Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation Performed?
Microwave ablation for thyroid cancer treatment is a method that does not require open surgery and is mostly performed under local anesthesia, using a small needle to reach the thyroid nodule. With thyroid nodule microwave ablation, the size of thyroid nodules can be reduced or completely eliminated.

Advantages of Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation Over Radiofrequency Ablation
- Produces higher heat in the ablation area. It provides better ablation in nodules with strong vascular supply and hemorrhagic nodules.
- In thyroid nodules of the same size, microwave ablation achieves ablation much faster than radiofrequency ablation.
- During the ablation procedure, patients do not feel the pain around the ear or tooth roots that are felt in radiofrequency ablation.
- Since no electrical current passes through the body, microwave ablation can be used in patients with pacemakers, knee prostheses, and pregnant patients, unlike radiofrequency ablation.
Alternatively, you may also consider cryoablation as a treatment method for thyroid cancer.
Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation Prices
Thyroid nodule microwave ablation prices require an initial examination by Interventional Radiology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Çekiç in Antalya Muratpaşa, with services available in İstanbul and Ankara as well. The specialist doctor will first determine if the patient is suitable for this treatment. After performing necessary tests such as thyroid biopsy and evaluating the nodule structure and size, the treatment cost can be provided. For more detailed information and appointments, please call us.